Hello! I am Carles Surià. I deeply believe in physical and mental care as a health factor.

I am going to tell you what the “Programa Marta Yoga Contigo” is like inside, whether it has worked for me or not (my honest opinion) and who it can help.


review of marta's yoga with you at home program

I have been practising yoga since I was 35. For me personally, it helps to relax and reduce stress. It also keeps me in good physical shape without putting strain on my joints.

Despite the benefits it brings to my health and emotional well-being, the time I have dedicated to the practice of yoga for many years has not been as desired. We all have obligations: work, children, the house…

And everything changed with the forced closure of all gyms, for the better!

A few days later I started watching Youtube videos of different teachers to continue practicing Yoga at home.

Youtube was effective in keeping me physically fit, but it didn’t relax me. The mental and spiritual improvement I had achieved at the yoga centre was gone.

I lacked accompaniment. I also missed a meditation synchronized with the movements.



Life put Marta in front of me.

At the beginning I had many doubts, I read the whole program carefully.

I realised that Marta’s yoga practice focused on improving balance. Marta had a lot of experience and had gone through a previous period of stress to reach the balance she was looking for.

I saw that she proposed a complete program structured in modules with videos and exercises. Besides, she did live sessions, including therapeutic yoga.

Everything pointed to what I was looking for, and as there was a trial period I decided to give it a try.


review of the yoga with you program by marta in the park



I follow the program every week, from the comfort of my home or even in the park.

If I’ve had a bad day, I choose the content I need: anxiety, relationships, breathing, meditation, etc.

There are four of us in my family and we all attend the live sessions, even the children. If we can’t access the live broadcast, we watch them recorded.

In the following video we are at the grandparents’ house. It brings calm and happiness to children.


This is the first time I’ve talked about someone else’s program on my blog. I wouldn’t do it if he hadn’t helped me.

It is ideal for people who feel overwhelmed by everything they have to do during the day and can’t dedicate enough time to themselves.

Fortunately, Marta’s method helps us to give ourselves the time of reflection we deserve, raising our energy level and achieving the peace of mind we need. Overcome those daily situations with our partner or children in which we do not know how to manage our emotions.

The help in the search for balance is what I value most in Marta. She helps me to wake up every day full of energy and with a smile on my face.

The programme has become an ideal complement to maintain a healthy lifestyle like the one I promote: organic and balanced diet, healthy home, physical exercise, nature.

There is no better investment than investing time in oneself.

For more information, Marta herself tells you about it.

