Electromagnetic pollution is caused by excessive exposure of people to electromagnetic emissions generated by telephone antennas, high-voltage lines, transformers and other radiation whose origin is human beings themselves.

Electromagnetic radiation is classified into two types:

  • Ionising or radioactive radiation, which can be in the form of high energy (X-rays, gamma rays) or in the form of particles (alpha, beta, neutrons).
  • Non-ionising radiation, in a lower frequency range than the above, includes visible light, infrared rays or radio frequencies, and produces thermal effects.
Electromagnetic spectrum


Life has evolved on our planet by coexisting with natural radiation, such as sunlight or cosmic radioactivity.

In recent decades, humans are reducing exposure to radiation from the sun and increasing exposure to radioactivity and certain low frequency ranges, such as microwaves.



There is scientific consensus on the health effects of ionising radiation. They damage molecules and cause the following effects: hair loss, skin burns and diseases. Each additional dose of radioactive radiation constitutes an additional health risk.

They come from building materials, medical tests, nuclear tests or radon gas.


Radon gas



Its effects can be classified into two types:

  • Thermal effects. Science considers that they occur if the body temperature is increased by at least one degree. They increase blood pressure, cause nausea, headache, cataracts.
  • Non-thermal effects. There is still no scientific consensus on them and they include sleep disruption, male sterility, Alzheimer’s disease, cardiac arrhythmias or autoimmune diseases such as electrosensitivity.

They are originated by:

  • In low frequencies: Low, medium and high voltage power lines, electrical transformers and substations, etc.
  • At high frequencies: Mobile phone antennas, microwave ovens, cordless phones, baby monitors, WiFi routers, etc.
measuring radiation from cell phone antennas


Grounding all metallic elements helps to reduce the alternating electric fields generated by the indoor electrical installation.

Moving away from medium and high voltage lines or substations is the most effective method of reducing alternating magnetic fields.

When faced with internal sources of electromagnetic waves, the use of network cable is recommended instead of WiFi, which also provides faster browsing speeds.

In order to reduce exposure to external sources of waves, such as a cell phone antenna in close proximity, shielding can be carried out if the absorbed radiation is excessive and always with the advice of a professional.

Medición de ondas electromagnéticas
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