Radiation can be classified into two groups: ionizing and non-ionizing radiation. The former are those with sufficient energy to extract electrons from matter. The non-ionizing ones can excite electrons, but not extract them.


línea de alta tensión fuente de radiaciones

Environmental exposure to non-ionizing radiation sources such as electromagnetic waves has increased dramatically due to technological, social and labor development.

On the other hand, our lifestyle has decreased exposure to natural radiation sources such as those from the sun. It is proven that sun infrared rays help metabolism, blood flow and thermal regulation. Visible sunlight stimulates the brain, hypothalamus and pituitary gland, which control the hormonal system and bodily functions. Ultraviolet light is necessary for the formation of vitamin D, which regulates the balance between calcium and phosphorus absorption.

Thus, the environment in which human beings have developed over the past thousands of years is being thrown out of balance in favor of an overload of electromagnetic pollution. The environment in which we live today seems to go further and further away from nature.

antena telefonia


Homeostasis balance regulates the adaptation of the human body to external risk factors. This self-regulatory system is different in each person and is weaker in the most vulnerable groups: babies, pregnant women or elderly people. External risk factors exposure, as well as other factors such as stress, may lead to the body’s lack of ability to adapt.

Magnetic and electromagnetic fields are recent incorporations in the official lists of potential carcinogens of the World Health Organization and the American Agency of Environmental Protection. These evaluations have alerted the society about how the radiations emitted by the transformers, the high voltage lines or the antennas of mobile telephony can affect the health of the people.

On the other hand, ionizing radiations are characterized by their high energy. They have the ability to break the chemical bonds of cell modules. The harmful effects on health are contrasted and lead to pathologies.


Radiation can be measured in order to determine the possible greater or lesser impact on people’s health.

Measurements of electric fields, from electrical wiring or apparatus, include the field strengh and body voltage, as well as determination of dominant frequency and significant harmonic waves.

Medir radiaciones

When measuring magnetic field, coming from high-voltage lines or transformers, the low-frequency flux density of the main current is recorded with determination of dominant frequency and significant harmonic waves.

As for electromagnetic waves from telephone antennas, WiFi routers o radars, the electromagnetic power density is measured and dominant frequencies are determined.

The radioactivity measurement provides the pulse rate, equivalent dose rate and radon gas concentration recording.